Victorian globe wall light in cast iron with decorative arm

Victorian globe wall light in cast iron with decorative arm
From €315.00
Victorian globe pier light in cast iron for narrow pier caps

Victorian globe pier light in cast iron for narrow pier caps
From €300.00
Victorian globe pier light in cast iron for flat pier caps

Victorian globe pier light in cast iron for flat pier caps
From €350.00
Victorian globe pedestal light in cast iron

Victorian globe pedestal light in cast iron
From €390.00
Victorian globe lantern - 77mm inside diameter

Victorian globe lantern - 77mm inside diameter
Victorian downturned globe wall light in cast iron

Victorian downturned globe wall light in cast iron
Traditional Irish Post in black for letters

Traditional Irish Post in black for letters
From €380.00
Outdoor hanging lamp shade with IP65 lampholder

Outdoor hanging lamp shade with IP65 lampholder
Large Victorian traditional in steel wall light

Large Victorian traditional in steel wall light
Large Victorian style globe wall light in steel with decorative arm

Large Victorian style globe wall light in steel with decorative arm
Large Georgian style wall light in cast iron and steel

Large Georgian style wall light in cast iron and steel
Georgian style wall light in cast iron and steel

Georgian style wall light in cast iron and steel
From €235.00
Georgian style pier light in cast iron and steel

Georgian style pier light in cast iron and steel
From €250.00
Georgian style pedestal light in cast iron and steel

Georgian style pedestal light in cast iron and steel
From €280.00
Georgian style lamp post in cast iron and steel

Georgian style lamp post in cast iron and steel
From €350.00